00-04 Lawn & Grasses Regulation
1.01 Citation For Violation of Ord
2.01 Seven Mem Plan Commission
4.01 Vehicle Parking/Snow Emergency
4.02 Abandoned Vehicle Removal
4.03 Prohibit Garbage on Highway
4.07 Speed Limits on Certain Town Roads
5.05 Prohibition of the Use of Holding Tanks
6.01 Property Maintenance 2021
6.03 Erosion Control and Storm Water Runoff
7.03 Licensing Sale of Malt Beverages
7.04 Licensing Sale of Intoxicating Liquor
7.05 Regulating Transient Merchants
8.03 Adult Entertainment and Liquor Licenses
98-01 Appointment of Fire Chief & Assistant Fire Chief
98-05 Appointing of Town Clerk & Treasurer